

Reading for Pleasure
Being able to read is the key to enjoying learning, it is the foundation to learning and enables other subjects to be understood more easily. Children are encouraged to feel that books are their friends.
We have a comprehensive range of books for the children to choose from in our book corner.
Storytime is an important time of the day and books are shared in many subjects, not just at the end of the day or as part of our English texts, for example The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds is wonderful to encourage both a Growth Mindset and their artistic talents.
Children are encouraged to bring books in from home, when appropriate, that they would like to share with the class.
Phonics is taught daily and Read Write Inc storybooks are used as part of guided reading with the children as well as individual reading. These books enable children to focus on how to read with expression and confidence.
Individual Reading
Children are heard to read individually, throughout the day; whether it is their own levelled reading book or whole class texts.
To help them to grow in confidence, children are encouraged to read their own writing out loud to the class and this also applies to any stories or fact files that they write at home.
Guided Reading
Children develop their understanding of a variety of fiction and non-fiction texts through discussing their answers and ideas individually with an adult and in groups.
Features of non-fiction texts such as the contents, index and glossary pages are taught.