Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education
Relationships Education and Health Education
Aims of the Curriculum
At St. Catherine's, Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) is an important school curriculum subject which focuses on the personal development of pupils, vital qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals.
Through the teaching of our Gospel Values, Virtues as well as the PSHE programme, we will make a significant contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.
This whole approach, together with a focus on Growth Mindset, aims to enable pupils to build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem by developing an understanding of themselves and others.
We are committed to prepare our children for life outside of the classroom and to help them build skills which will allow them to protect and keep themselves safe in the wider community.
The curriculum provides a context in order to promote:
- physical, social and emotional and mental well-being of pupils.
- relationships education and health education.
- British values.
- citizenship.
- leadership.
- a safe place for discussion of current, relevant social issues.
Curriculum Structure and Content
There are three themes taught progressively across the different classes:
* Relationships
* Living in the Wider World
* Health and Wellbeing
Lessons are delivered through these programmes:
- Life to the Full, a fully resourced scheme of work in Relationships Education and Health Education (RSHE) for Catholic primary schools.
- Kapow Primary, Computing (Online Safety)
- PSHE Association
Each theme has 3 topics:
- Families and Friendships
- Safe relationships
- Respecting ourselves and others
Living in the Wider World
- Belonging to a community
- Media literacy and digital resilience
- Money and work
Health and Wellbeing
- Physical health and mental wellbeing
- Growing and Changing
- Keeping Safe