
Class Information

Welcome to Hazel Class!
Hazel Class are taught by Mrs Harris and their teaching assistants are Mrs Butchart and Mr Holmes-Good 
Mrs Harris leads Humanities Subjects: RE History, Geography, along with PSHE/RSE.  With a love of learning, enjoys finding links between subjects to help foster a life-long learning in children. 
Mrs Wilson has extensive experience as a Teaching Assistant.
PE Spring Term 2
This term, PE is on:
Monday and Friday
Please can all children wear their PE kit to school on these days, with a sun hat and sun cream when the warmer weather continues. 
Home Learning
Maths Times tables practice.
Spellings 10 -12 per week
Reading 20 minutes per day is recommended.
Spelling tests are on a Thursday (children will have the spellings on the previous Friday).
Times Tables tests are on a Friday.
 Please continue to encourage your child to read at home as well as with an adult when possible. 
Below are some helpful documents that will let you know about our learning in Hazel Class. 
We practise our timetables in school daily. At the end of Year 4  children participate in the statutory multiplication tables check so we encourage children to practice at home as well.  Websites such as Multiplication Tables Check - 2023 - Timestables.co.uk Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - TopmarksMaths Fishing - Multiplication - MathsframeTimes Table Tester | CGP BooksFree Multiplication Math Games | Multiplication.comTimes Tables test , games and grids can aid fluency. 
You may also find our calculations policy helpful.