
Who We Are

Mrs Helen Johnston

Chair of Governors

I have over 20 years experience gained in education roles including class teacher, middle leader, school improvement advisor, local authority SEND advisor, headteacher and executive headteacher. I have taught and led in a variety of schools - Catholic, community, free schools and academy trusts.
I have previous school governance experience in both foundation and community governor appointments.
I moved to Dorchester four years ago and undertake various community based volunteer activities.

Mr Nick Tindal

Foundation Governor

Nick is a member of Bridport Parish and currently works for a group of schools in South London. Nick has had a long career in the forces. Nick has had experience with OFSTED and is looking forward to helping move St Catherine's forward, along with the staff, to become even more successful and a truly happy place to be.

Mrs Helen Brown

Foundation Governor

Helen is a former Head Teacher of St Catherine's RC Primary School. Helen was a teacher and Head Teacher for over 25 years in Primary Schools. Helen is a practicing Catholic and firmly believes the Catholic ethos of the school is vital to helping shape happy, kind and well rounded children.

Mrs Paula Fearn

Head Teacher

Paula is a former Foundation Governor who has now become our Head Teacher

Paula has been a Primary teacher for nearly 20 years and is passionate that every child has the opportunity to fulfil their God given potential through rich learning experiences.

Mrs Jo Bourne

Staff Governor

Jo is our Executive Deputy Head. Jo has been teaching for over 20 years and is highly trained in Trauma Informed Schools which is an approached behaviour.

Ms Claire Hewitt

Parent Governor

Claire is our Parent Governor. Her daughter is currently in Key Stage 2 at St Catherine’s. Claire has been a teacher for over twenty years, mostly working in Dorchester at Upper Key Stage 2 and Lower Key Stage 3. She is interested in all aspects of teaching and learning including the pastoral side of school life which she feels is key to a child's happiness and success. Claire has lived in Bridport for most of her life and enjoys being part of the community here.

Miss Emily Fearn

Clerk to the Governors

Emily was born in Bridport and attended St Catherine's RC Primary school as a child. She joined the school in January 2021 as Clerk to the Board, which means she looks after the paperwork and compliance, among other things, and as Senior Admin in the school office. Emily firmly believes that an ethos of kindness, respect and hard work make for a happy child who will grow up to be a worthwhile and productive member of society.