

Growth Mindset, Reflection and Prayer 
Here are a few ideas to help cope emotionally and reflect during this uncertain period in our lives:
* Please watch the message and prayer from Father Keith
 *Have a look at Cafod Children's Prayers for reflection
 *The cartoon ' Don't be a Lizard'  helps us think about how we react to things 
Yoga, Breathing Exercises and Mindfulness Colouring
*Check out Cosmic Kids for stories, mindfulness and relaxation exercises
*Make some brilliant yoga flip books
*Try a butterfly hug 
*Have at look at the breathing and stress busting exercises
Big Life Journal have kindly given us permission to use their free resources digitally during the period of quarantine.
Stories to Share 
*Share the story of 'The Colour Monster' and look at the follow up questions
Watch and share this story called 'While We Can't Hug' which demonstrates ways to show affection without hugging.