
Welcome & Mission Statement

Welcome from the Headteacher
Dear Parents,

Welcome to St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School.

We hope that this will be the beginning of a long and happy membership of our school community. By entering your child into our school you invite us to be a partner in his/her education and this is a privilege that we value. We wish to work closely with you to ensure that your child’s primary years are happy and productive.

St Catherine’s is the Catholic primary school serving Bridport and its neighbouring areas in West Dorset. As a Catholic school our principle aim is to maintain and teach our faith and this permeates all areas of school life. We enjoy the support and close liaison of the parishes we serve in Bridport, Chideock and Beaminster.

We provide a caring community known for its very effective education and offer children maximum opportunities to discover and develop their personal talents and to use them positively for the benefit of all. We offer quality teaching with high expectations for all the children. We can only attain these aims with full confidence and trust in the three-way partnership of parent, teacher and child.

We hope that you and your child will feel that you belong and that you are proud that this is your school.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs Sarah Terrey


Mission Statement

‘Live, Love and Learn Together
Growing with God, in Knowledge and Faith.’
The family of St Catherine’s Catholic Primary School helps everyone to do their best, to work hard together in a place of love, warmth and safety, following the teachings of Jesus.

We aim to:

Work hard to be the best we can be, celebrating and enjoying our achievements.

Love, value and respect each other as Jesus taught us.

Reach out to those who need us both near and far.

Say sorry with honesty and courage and learn to forgive each other.

Create a happy atmosphere, lasting friendships and wonderful memories.

Create an environment where we feel spiritually, emotionally and physically safe, and our thoughts and feelings are listened to.