
RE Curriculum

At St. Catherine's we follow the Come and See RE Curriculum. Each term there are three topics that follow the teaching of the Liturgical Year.
The learning for each year group is grouped under one theme and then each year group has a different topic for that theme.  Each topic has the same structure of:
  • Explore
  • Reveal 
  • Respond.
Themes for this year:
Autumn Term
  • Domestic Church - Family
  • Judaism
  • Baptism/Confirmation - Belonging
  • Hinduism (KS1) or Sikhism (KS2)
  • Advent/Christmas - Loving
Spring Term
  • Local Church - Community
  • Eucharist - Relating
  • Lent/Easter - Giving
Summer Term
  • Pentecost - Serving
  • Islam
  • Reconciliation - Inter-Relating
  • Universal Church - World
Come and See Topics per Year Group 
The document below sets out the topics per year group and the big questions that the children explore.
There are also learning foci for the latest topics being studied by each class.
The dates that each topic is taught is shown in the document below: