Welcome to Maple Class
Maple Class is taught by Mrs Harris and their teaching assistant is Mrs Craven.
Mrs Harris leads Humanities Subjects: History, Geography and RE, along with PSHE/RSE. With a love of learning, enjoys finding links between subjects to help foster a life-long learning in children.
Mrs Craven has extensive experience in working with children in KS2 and takes a lead role in running intervention groups. She is excellent at discovering what motivates an individual child to take pride in their learning.
PE Summer Term 2
This term, PE is on:
Wednesday - (Lee Cuff).
Friday - Swimming
Please can all children have their PE kit in school on this day.
Home Learning
Home learning is set on a Thursday and due on the following Wednesday.
- Maths
- English
- Spellings 10 - 15 per week
- Reading 30 minutes per day is recommended.
Spelling tests are on a Monday (children will have the spellings at the beginning of the previous week).
Times Tables tests are on a Friday.