
Whole School Home Learning Project

Summer 2 


Hello home learners


We hope you all had a lovely sunny half term.  We have put together a whole school project that we hope you enjoy and will be able to work on together with your families.  There are lots of opportunities for cross curricular learning within the activities but if you would like supplementary Maths and English work we have added website links for daily lessons and booklets to your individual class pages.


Part of teaching British values is to encourage students to show initiative and to understand how they can contribute positively to the lives of those living and working in the locality of the school and to society more widely.  This supports the message of the Pope (Laudate Si') that encourages children to take care of our common home by taking small steps. We think this whole home school learning project is a great opportunity for our children to study and become more familiar with the plants, wild life and food produce of Bridport and the surrounding area.  Hopefully, this will lead to thinking about how we can take steps, however small,  to protect and sustain them.


Within the plan we have provided links to different web sites to support the learning but these are optional.  There is a range of open ended tasks to allow for depth of learning according to the needs and interests of the individual child.  We hope you all enjoy the work and learning and look forward to receiving messages and pictures of your activities.


If you have any queries contact us on gdickson@stcatherinesbridport.dorset.sch.uk (Mon-Thurs) and klewendon@stcatherinesbridport.dorset.sch.uk (Wed-Fri)


Kind Regards

Mrs Dickson and Mrs Lewendon