

We love reading in Ash.  Children take part in whole class guided reading, have individual reading time and enjoy listening to the teacher read a class book.  We encourage reading a range of fiction and non-fiction texts.  
We kindly ask parents when they can, to read other books to and with their child to promote the enjoyment of reading.  If you have any time to volunteer to hear our children read, please contact the office, we are grateful for your support. 
We have weekly spelling tests on a Friday.  The spellings for the following week are also introduced every Friday.  We will use their reading record to let you know how they achieved.
We practise our timetables in school on a weekly basis. At the end of Year 4  children participate in the statutory multiplication tables check so we encourage children to practice at home as well.  Websites such as Multiplication Tables Check - 2023 - Timestables.co.ukCoconut Multiples - Reinforce Times Tables (topmarks.co.uk)Daily 10 - Mental Maths Challenge - TopmarksMaths Fishing - Multiplication - MathsframeTimes Table Tester | CGP BooksFree Multiplication Math Games | Multiplication.comTimes Tables test , games and grids can aid fluency. 
You may also find our calculations policy helpful.
Humanities Topics
Autumn - Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
Spring -   The Story Of Rivers
Summer - Britain’s settlement by the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
Autumn Curriculum and Sticky Knowledge Maps
Spring Curriculum and Sticky Knowledge Maps
Summer Curriculum and Sticky Knowledge Map